A child ingesting Windex is a potential medical emergency. The parent or caregiver should call 911 and follow the instructions given.
Use him to write with until he runs out, so as not to waste it.
Contact a doctor or poison control center immediately.
Contact a Poison Control Center
YES! If a child ingests rat poison, take them to the hospital immediately!
The first thing you should do if your child ingests poison is call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222. Their trained experts will quickly and efficiently guide you to the correct treatment and can help you save your child's life.
how to get windex out of carpet
Windex was created in 1933.
When in liquid solution Windex is homogeneous
Windex is used for cleaning glass and mirrors.
Windex is typically a bright blue color.
windex or dishsoap? will they kill flowers