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Q: What is the policy in carrying food on a ambulance?
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If an ambulance is trying to get to an individual who needs medical attention, they have the right of way.

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The ultimate responsibility for making and carrying out government policy rests with the people.

The ultimate responsibility for making and carrying out governmental policy rests with?

Answer is:[the people] (Go Apex Kids;) The ultimate responsibility for making and carrying out governmental policy rests with the people.

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* to advise the President in the carrying out of defense policy * to run the Defense Department * to advise the President in the formation of defense policy

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Don't try to move him. If it is not safe (has to move) move him by carrying the whole body. Call for ambulance...

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If you are a guest or visitor to the hotel, then contact the hotel management and phone an ambulance. If you are an employee of the hotel, then phone an ambulance and follow the company policy of your hotel, if any.

Generally whowhat is responsible for carrying or implementing policy?

The Secretary of Defense

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no it dosent have food on it

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Foreign relations are handled by the US Department of State ("State Department").

What are the life policy ancillary benefits?

Ancillary benefits are the ambulance transportation expenses, blood, medical supplies and drugs. These are usually layered on top of major medical coverage of an insurance policy.

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he had difficulty carrying on the unpopular trade policy