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you might get pregnant from sleeping with the man that could get you preggo.

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Q: Whats the chance of getting pregnant by the man with a vasectomy if you slept with a man who can definitely get you pregnant and then like a week later sleeping with someone who had a vasectomy?
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Why is a vasectomy very effective in preventing a female to get pregnant?

A vasectomy involves cutting or sealing the vas deferens tubes that carry sperm from the testicles. This prevents sperm from being ejaculated during sex, reducing the chance of fertilizing a female's egg. It is a highly effective form of permanent contraception.

Your husban got a vasectomy 5 months ago should you still worry about getting pregnant by him?

Definately not

What are the chances of getting pregnant if my husband had a vasectomy 6 years ago and underwent chemotherapy for the treatment of testicular cancer?

zero, but get a sperm count to be sure

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By sleeping together if your referring to having sex then it doesnt matter if shirts are on or off, the chances of getting a girl pregnant is high...

What does it mean when your Breast are soreand still not getting period?

It may mean you are pregnant, however you should check it out. as it does not mean you are definitely pregnant.

What can my husband do to be more fertile if he had a vasectomy 13 years ago and the doctor said there is only a 5 percent chance of us getting pregnant?

If the vasectomy was done properly, there should not even be a 5% chance of getting pregnant, as this procedure is the most effective way of preventing pregnancy short of a hysterectomy or abstinence. The best thing to do is to have your husband see his physician and have a semenalysis performed, where they can determine whether or not he has any sperm in his ejaculate. Often after a vasectomy, the body recognizes sperm as a foreign substance and "attacks" it with antibodies; this is why vasectomy reversals don't work a good deal of the time. ! Dr. B.

How do you get pregnant with out a guy with AIDS?

You don't. There may be some way to get pregnant with a partner that has aids without you getting it but it would definitely have to happen in a laboratory.

Does headaches lower back pain sweeling in the belly means that am pregnant?

you might be getting your period? if not you might be; go to the docters to cheak.

What are the chances of getting someone pregnant after a vasectomy?

The percentages are low, but it's not unheard of. If the doctor didn't do his job correctly then it can happen. I've heard about several women who have gotten pregnant after their husband has had a vasectomy. You can go to your doctor and be checked out and they'll know if the vasectomy took or not. Typically the doctor does a sperm count a week after the vasectomy and a month after that to insure that everything is were it should be. And should probably be checked every few years after that.

What are the chances of getting pregnant when husband had vasectomy four years ago you are two weeks late with all the classic symptoms you had four other prenancies so you know what to look for?

It has been known that some doctors don't do a good job when it comes to a vasectomy. It would be to your advantage to have your husband go to your family doctor and have tests run to be sure the vasectomy took well. If all is well then you aren't pregnant. It is noted that for a 2 weeks to a month after a vasectomy the man should not have sexual contact with his wife or girlfriend. My husband had one several years ago and that's what we were told. If you were told that and didn't get pregnant you were very lucky. You need two sperm counts, with no sperm in either to ensure you are no longer fertile, and it may take upto 6 months.

How should you tell him?

Definitely in person. Being pregnant is not going to be easy, but the first step is getting him to help you through it. But first he has to know. Tell him in person.

Your hamster is getting fat sleeping a lot more than when you got her very aggressive and eating a lot is she pregnant?

put a few square of toilet roll in her cage and if she puts them where she sleeps she might be pregnant. if you can see her nipples she deffo pregnant x x x