Cape Breton Regional Municipality was created on 1995-08-01.
Cape Breton Island's population is 135,974.
The motto of Cape Breton Highlanders is 'Siol na fear fearail'.
Cape Breton Regional Municipality's population density is 40.0 people per square kilometer.
Cape Breton Oilers was created in 1988.
Transit Cape Breton was created in 1995.
Cape Breton University was created in 1951.
Made in Cape Breton was created in 2002.
The largest city in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia is Sydney. It is the regional capital and the most populous city on Cape Breton Island.
Cape Breton Labour Party was created in 1982.
Cape Breton Highlands National Park was created in 1936.
Cape Breton Highlands Education Centre was created in 2000.