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Betty Ford is a popular rehabilitation center, a center nearby can be found by going to the Betty Ford website. There are also local treatment centers that can be found through a local AA chapter.

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Q: Where can one find alcoholic treatment centers?
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Where can one find information on alcoholic treatment centers?

Someone looking to find information on alcoholic treatment centers might ask advice from a doctor or therapist. One may also find information on websites about treatment centers and their available programs.

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There are a number of sites that offer listings for drug treatment centers in Dallas. One can find a list of treatment centers on the Angie's List site as well as "treatment-facilities" find the best website.

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There are many alcohol treatment centers in the USA. One of the most well known treatment centers is the Betty Ford Treatment Center. You can also find out about local AA programs in your area.

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One can find treatment centers for people with an eating disorder by visiting a local hospital. They are able to refer the person who has an eating disorder to a treatment center that will help them out.

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Alcohol and drug treatment centers can be found from medical institutions that specialize in drug treatments and contain rehab centers as part of the institution.

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Someone could find information for treatments for facial laser treatment on the internet website for laser treatment centers, or visiting the actual laser treatment centers to talk to their specialists there and get information on the treatment in person.

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Eating disorder treatment centers can be located by looking in a local telephone book or by calling a local health department. These resources will have telephone numbers and locations for eating disorder treatment centers in the area.

Where can one find rehab treatment centers in New York?

The website Sober Recovery has a list of some rehab centers in New York. The website has a variety of listings on different types of treatment for things such as eating disorders and alcoholism.

Where can one find a list of centers for the treatment of alcohol addiction?

One would get the best advice for choosing alcohol addiction centres from healthcare professionals. However for advice one can look on the SAMHSA website under the Find Treatment section.

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Hope by the sea is one of the popular treatment centers that offers public detox treatment for and affordable fee and they offer insurance if applicable.

Where can one go to find out information about teenage drug rehab?

There are many resources available to find drug rehabs for teenagers. The website Treatment Solutions finds treatment centers and offers advice for teenagers struggling with addiction.