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No, Paragard would not cause a nosebleed.

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Q: Can paragard IUD cause a nosebleed?
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Why do you have strains since you got a paragard IUD?

The Paragard IUD will not cause muscle strains. See your health care provider for evaluation of your symptoms.

Does the Mirena IUD and the paragard IUD come from the same manufactuter?

No, Mirena is made by Bayer and Paragard is made by Teva.

What IUD's are copper IUD's?

The ParaGard IUD is T shaped and it contains copper.

How can you get pregnant with paragard?

Pregnancy with Paragard is uncommon. If you want to get pregnant, have the IUD removed.

Which IUD doesn't have hormones?

In the US, the Paragard IUD has no hormones. Mirena and Skyla have hormones.

Is the mirena copper?

No, Mirena is a plastic IUD containing progestin. The copper IUD on the market in the US is Paragard.

What medications affect paragard?

Because of its location and method of action, no medications affect the Paragard copper IUD. That's one of its great benefits.

Do you have period when you have IUD?

If you have the copper IUD (Paragard in the US), you will get a period. If you have the Mirena IUD, containing progestin, your period will likely stop after a few months of irregular bleeding.

Does an iud cause reduction in vaginal secretions in women using it as birth control?

Paragard will not reduce vaginal secretions, but Mirena may have a slight effect.

Does the IUD really last the whole 5 years?

The Mirena IUD lasts five years, Paragard lasts 12, and Skyla lasts three years.

Morning sickness on Paragard IUD?

Nausea has many causes. If you have an IUD, pregnancy its not the most likely explanation. Take a pregnancy test. See your doctor if the nausea persists.

What are the categories of IUD?

There are two categories of IUDs on the market in the US in 2013. The copper IUD, Paragard, is one type. The hormonal IUDs, containing levonorgestrel, are Mirena and Skyla.