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Birth Control pills can stop periods altogether, shorten them, or turn them in to "spotting" If you were getting your period before you started the pills. If you stop at any time during your cycle this should bring on your period.

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Q: Can you take birth control to start your period back up?
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What happens to your body after you stop birth control?

You start to ovulate and get your period back and you can get pregnant again.

What if you start the birth control pill a week before your period starts?

You can start the pill at any time during your cycle. If you start a week before your period, use a back up method of birth control for the first seven days of the pack.

Can you take birth control on the first day of your period or the fifth day?

You can start birth control on any day of your cycle. If you start within the first five days of your cycle, it's immediately effective; otherwise, use a back up method of birth control, like condoms or abstinence from vaginal sex, until you've taken the birth control for seven days.

Can you start the birth control ring when you have your period?

Yes, it is advised to start day 1-5 of your period. If you start on day 1 it will be effective immediately or if inserted day 2-5 you have to use back up protection for 7 days.

You are on birth control you are taking antibiotics for a week before your period and then the week of your period you are not on bc and then you start back up the following wk how long should i wait?

There's no need to wait.

When should you start taking your birth control after stopping the pill when you had your period 3 weeks ago?

Start taking it today. Use a back up method of birth control, like condoms or abstinence from vaginal sex, until you've taken seven pills in a row correctly.

When can you start your birth control pills after skipping a week and getting your period early?

Start the day you begin bleeding and use a back up until you have taken one daily for 7 days.

Can you start the birth control pill two weeks after an abortion.?

You can start the birth control pill at any time, but if you didn't start them the day of the abortion, you should use a back up method of birth control for the first seven days of the first cycle.

Quit birth control now back on it and your period is 4 days late is that normal?

NO it is not

What can hold your period back?

Several things can hold your period back. Some of the things holding back periods include pregnancy, illness, or birth control methods. You do not get a period if you are pregnant.

Is it okay to start taking the pill a couple of days after your period starts or should you just wait till the next month to start taking it?

You can start the birth control pill at any time in your cycle using the Quick Start method. Just use a back up method of birth control for the first seven days of the first cycle.

If you have not started the birth control Yasimin on the first day of your period is it possible to start it two weeks later?

You can start the pack whenever you like. However, unless you take the first pill on the first day of your period, the entire first pack is ineffective as birth control, and you must use a back-up for the entire first pack. If you take your pills properly, once you start taking the active pills of your second pack, it's considered effective. This is true for the first time you're taking birth control pills, as well as if you start a new brand.