Water pills are a good way to get weed out your system but its not as much of a miracle as people say unless your not a daily smoker because then its easy to get THC out of your system because your not a daily but if you are try taking two a day and do whatever you need to in order to burn fat but cranberry juice and water are the best way but water pills do help a lot so yea. :)
Detox or water pills. You can find detox at cvs or other stores like that. You can find water pills in the camping section at wal-mart.
The logical way is to quit smoking marijuana. By drinking alot of cranberry juice and alot of water. Or you could go to a smoke shop and ask for some pills that will clean out your system, it's about 40 dollars but its worth it!
Water will NOT help clean your system of marijuana. See the Related Question below.
There are no specific pills that can quickly clean marijuana from your urine. Time is the most effective way for your body to naturally eliminate THC, the active component in marijuana, from your system. Staying hydrated and engaging in physical activity can help speed up the process, but there is no guaranteed way to quickly cleanse your system.
No. Only time does that.
It really depends on what kind of pills and how much you weigh but enough water will clean your system just keep drinkin and peeing
No. Drinking water will not remove marijuana from your system.
sure, why not sure, why not
Water does NOT help remove marijuana from your system, since it is stored in your fat cells. Fatty substances are not water-soluble, and thus, water does not flush marijuana from your system. See the Related Question below.
No, it does not. Drinking bleach is incredibly stupid and dangerous.