DXM can possibly show up in a blood test if they are testing you for it specifically. Any drug or chemical can be tested for if the people know what they are looking for. Now, is it most likely going to get you in trouble because they find out you used DXM? Most likely not. The reason for this is because DXM isn't on a blood test more than likely as it is not really considered to be a "serious drug of abuse". So i wouldn't worry about DXM showing up in a drug test. However, supposedly it is possible to give a false negative of PCP, but that isn't confirmed as far as i know.
Over the counter drugs As well as LSD and dxm will never show up on a drug test!(:
Robitussin's active ingredient DXM (Dextromethorphan) is not looked for in a drug test. Neither does LSD or shrooms. There are a good amount of drugs that arent even looked for during the test. For you health :) = =
To pass a drug test you have to have drugs on you or if you used it then they will detect it.
The cast of Dxm - 2003 includes: Roman Starr as Youngman
Yes, although dxm will linger in your system longer because your body won't be able to metabolize the dxm as good as without Strattera.
If you don't do drugs, you will pass the urine test.
DXM as a disassociative has similar effects to Ketamine which is a commonly used cat tranquilizer
No. Not unless your getting your spinal fluids tapped into.
OK! Did we pass the test?
ok, there is speculation that at higher doses (500 + mg) of DXM, certain tests will show this as a "false positive" for PCP and/or opiates as long as 3-5 days after ingestion. Though based on experience, DXM does not show up on the basic THC/METH/COC/OPI tests, which are used in most probation departments. after taking 21 maximum strength Mucinex DM pills, (which total up to 1260 mg of Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide) I tested clean 4 1/2 days after ingestion. There is ongoing debate on this matter, my experience shows evidence that it is unlikely or impossible for DXM to show up on standard drug tests.