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Of course! You can only lose your virginity by having sex. There needs to be penetrating to lose your virginity.

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Q: If a virgin has I.V.F treatment and get pregnant is she a virgin?
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If a virgin has IVF treatment and gets pregnant is she still a virgin?


How can you get pregnant after 55?

Fertility treatment and IVF.

If a virgin gets pregnant and the doctor removes the pregnancy successfully without breaking her hymen is she still a virgin?

Unless she was made pregnant by IVF, her hymen would have to have been broken to become pregnant in the first place. How can you still be a virgin if you are pregnant? Think it through.

How do you help my mother to the pregnant?

Unless you want to pay for treatment or IVF there is not much you can do to help her and the father-to-be.

How do you get pregnant when your boyfriend has a 5 percent chance of having a baby?

have a lot of unprotected sex and hope for the best. Or get the money together for an IVF treatment.

At what situation or condition IVF treatment required?

IVF is usually suggested when there are difficulties of conceiving naturally; factors such as blocked tubes, low sperm count, endometriosis or when infertility’s cause is unknown. Pregnancy treatment in IVF Prem Hospital focuses on advancing couples with efficient IVF treatment according to one’s personal requirement. When you plan for infertility treatment IVF, you can contact Prem Hospital as they are best in providing services with understandable and economical IVF price in Meerut . You can also receive more details about our success rates and customized IVF treatment in Meerut at L-5 Shastri Nagar, Meerut 250004.

How do you get pregnant when not ovulating?

You cannot become pregnant, unless you had a procedure such as IVF.

Can you get pregnant at 34?

Most women can easily get pregnant at 34 and, indeed, much older than this- an unfortunate few have an early menopause, which inhibits their ability to reproduce, but this can often be compensated for by IVF treatment and hormone therapy.

Can you get pregnant while am sterilized by ivf?

In Vitro Fertilisation is a method of getting pregnant.

How can you tell if you are a pregnant virgin?

You cannot be a pregnant virgin

What situations use IVF treatment?

Difficulties in conception

Which is the best IVF treatment centre in Mumbai?

Crysta IVF stands out as one of the best IVF centres in Mumbai, offering ethically sound treatment with the highest success rate. Located at Shop no. 20, Ground Floor, Kanakia Zillion building LBS Marg, CST Road Junction, BKC Annexe, Kurla West, Maharashtra 400070 it is an ideal choice for couples trying to get pregnant or are dealing with infertility issues.