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Q: If you smoked pot regularly for 8 month how long would it take me to get it out of my system?
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If you weigh 208 pounds how long would it take to clean your system of marijuana?

That depends on how much you've smoked and for how long. If you smoked a couple of times a week you would expect it to be out of your system within a month.

If you smoked marijuana ten times a day everyday for eight months how long would it stay in your system?

a month

How long does weed stay in your system if you only smoke one time?

It all depends on how much you smoked. But mostly it would stay for about 2 weeks up to a month.. Mabye mOnth and a half.

Have not smoked in about 60 days would it show up?

NO That would be unheard of. Marijuana is said to stay in your system for up to a month but can easily be flushed within 2-3 weeks.

If you smoked one spliff a month how long would it stay in your body?

2 weeks

I hadn't smoked in years i smoked twice on vacation over a month ago like five hits how long is this in my system and how likely is that i would pass a hair test?

Research tell us that it can take as long as 6 months to keep in hair follicles.

If you smoked one blunt how long would it be in your system?

It could be out of your system in a week, or depending on the THC content of the weed, and your own body fat, as long as a month. And no, there is nothing you can do to clean out your system. Those detox products are BS.

You have smoked crack in the past month about 10 times and you have smoked weed about 1 time about two nights ago but it was only one hit how long will it take to get out of your system?

if you are just worried about how long that will stay in your system then you have some problems. I'd worry about the actual crack smoking part! Why would you even smoke crack?

If you only smoked one blunt with someone how long would it be in your system?

the drug would stay in your system for 10 days.

Will you pass a drug test in 20 days if you smoked a blunt two days ago and a few bowls the weekend before but it was over a month before that when you smoked just one hit?

Not before the month's up with that much weed in you. I would NOT risk it.

Where does the apostrophe go in womens month?

It's a possessive, so it's "Women's month"e.g. "Harper Row would regularly hold a women's month, in which a broad range of female issues would be discussed"

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it helps jelly