If it excites you, and is done in a safe way, then yes, if you are in any way uncomfortable about it then no.
photobucket da ok thanks is there any pcis if her chair tied ro tied up gagged bare feet on there
By hanging out with me :)
USA didnt they stayed out being tied up by them
Fear of being bound/tied up. =) I know, been there. happend to me. lol
it in episode 261 and in 265
you can get tied up from a person of from a trick
In terms of sex, being tied up is a part of bondage which is part of BDSM (bondage, domination, sadism, masochism). Those who enjoy being tied up consensually, most likely do so because they are turned on by their feelings of helplessness or by being controlled by other people.
epsiode 264 and 269 ash get tied up and in epsidoe 315 thatcher get tied up gagged in 308 may and max get tied up and in 314 may max and ash get tied up and in 419 ash may and max get tied up
For some people, it is a fetish, they enjoy feeling helpless.
David Gamut
Tied Up was created in 1983.