While hard drugs (cocaine, morphine, heroin) are banned as in other countries, the "soft drugs" - cannabis in all its forms (marijuana, hashish, hash oil) is legal for personal use only.
Magic mushrooms, also known as shrooms, were also legal until the 1st of December 2008.
Certain drugs that are legal in other countries such as bzp are illegal in Amsterdam but legal in the republic of Ireland.
Whilst Amsterdam has many coffee shops that sell cannabis quite freely to customers. It is in fact illegal to sell and quite frequently these shops are raided by police. It is acceptable to possess a small amount of these soft drugs, but you can still be charged for intoxication. By and large, the police and authorities take a 'liberal' approach to laws about drugs.
weed or marijuana is legal because people in the Netherlands will do it anyway just like they will drink and smoke in age of 13.
you can have five plants your self for own use.
you may only smoke it above age of 18(but not in public, it happens though)
don't tell me I'm wrong because I live there myself.
From the 1st of may 2012 a new law has passed limiting the access to marijuana in the Netherlands to residents of the country (citizens or foreigners) who inscribed themselves on a list and obtained a card. Nonetheless for a while expect that some will ignore the new law and keep doing business with tourists and/or expect that the very efficient "pushers" who already peddle around all sorts of illegal-ish stuff will most probably fill the void in the market very soon...which will negate pretty much the upside of this new law...
It's officially illegal, but it's tolerated. It has been tolerated for more than 30 years now, and they have the lowest amount of hard-drug users in Europe. Hope this helps.
In Amsterdam, the possession and use of small quantities of cannabis for personal use in coffee shops is tolerated. However, the production and distribution of cannabis are illegal. Other drugs are strictly prohibited, and possession or trafficking can lead to legal consequences. It is recommended to familiarize oneself with the local laws and regulations before visiting.
that depends what country you are in. in Amsterdam for example, it is legal to smoke marijuana. in Canada and the US it is not legal and if you are caught with it you can get fined and depending how much you have, you can also get arrested and charged. do your research for where you live before risking it!!!
Amsterdam is not really a legal place to smoke marijuana, but it is tolerated by police because it bring so much money into their economy via tourism.
Now it is still ILLEGAL in Switzerland to plant, to commercialize and to smoke cannabis. Punition will be more severe if you sell it than if you smoke it. You can even go to prison for one day or two if you are caught selling it. However law is variable from canton to canton and some of them TOLERATE limited smoking in some places. There are discussions in Switzerland whether or not to depenalize cannabis... BUT CANNABIS IS STILL ILLEGAL RIGHT NOW... So to reply to the question, NO, marijuana is not legal in Switzerland as it is in Amsterdam.
Adults of any national origin are permitted to purchase and consume cannabis in Amsterdam. You need not be a resident of Europe at all.
You, yourself can not. Join legalization groups, try to protest about it being illegal. It probably will not happen any time in this lifetime. Go to Amsterdam, it's legal.
A bong is a type of water pipe used to smoke tobacco or cannabis. In Australia, bongs are generally legal to possess and use for smoking tobacco. However, using a bong to smoke cannabis is illegal in most parts of Australia, as cannabis is a controlled substance.
The Netherlands decriminalized possession of soft drugs in 1976. However street sales are still illegal. So-called "coffee shops" are allowed to sell 5 grams of cannabis to anyone over the age of 18.
Depending on where you live. for example if you have the licence in California you can have up to 20 plants, and 2 pounds. or just move to Amsterdam
THC is only legal to a limited group of very sick individuals that meet the requirements. The THC level is low.
No to smoking cannabis in public or in cafe
No because in Amsterdam it is legal to smoke marajuana; but only in "weed cafes" that sell it.