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its very slim to none but it can happen!

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Q: What are the chances of getting pregnant after being on the pill for over 20 years?
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You had a tubal ligation 19 years ago what are the chances of getting pregnant again?

Your chances are very slim...all though you are only guaranteed for ten years.It is like one in one hundred women that will get pg after being sterilized

What is chances of being pregnant after being on pill for 3 years and then stop and you have irregular periods?

Once you stop taking the birth control pills you are able to become pregnant.

What are the chances of getting pregnant after 6 years of having the Mirena coil in?

Most recent evidence shows it continues to be effective for up to seven years. Talk with your health care provider about when you should have it replaced, if you are still not thinking of getting pregnant.

What are your chances of getting pregnant 9 years after giving birth?

umm about the same as 9 weeks, 9 months or 2 years after giving birth. If you have already been pregnant once tho your chance of getting pregnant again is much better, however if you have reached an advanced age-typically considered 35 or older it could become more difficult or increase your chances of birth defects. if you are young, it should be just as easy to get pregnant as it was 9 years ago.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if my husband had a vasectomy 6 years ago and underwent chemotherapy for the treatment of testicular cancer?

zero, but get a sperm count to be sure

If you were diagnosed with PID two years ago and had one of your ovaries removed and the other one is fine what are your chances of getting pregnant and will fertility drugs help?

You likely can get pregnant and fertility pills will help.

What are the chances of getting pregnant at 13 years old and uses protection?

Using a condom is a very good way to reduce the chance of getting pregnant. Make sure you know how to use it. Make sure it's used properly, and you won't get a pregnancy.

I had a bilateral tubal ligation two years ago what are my chances of getting pregnant after this was done?

Negligible, but not impossible. It would require that your body healed itself ... not unheard of but rare.

What are the odds of getting pregnant 20 years after having your tubes tide?

Slim but there are cases where they slip out and become active once again

How long will a 19 year old male get for getting his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant?

Chances are child support for the first 18 years of their child's life. He is not likely to get jail or prison, as most states say 16 is legal for sex and others have exceptions for being within 3 years of age.

You got pid about 5 years ago and got treated right away is there any possible way you can get pregnant?

Chances are you can get pregnant.

Your cat has been pregnant four times in two years is that bad for her?

in some cases yes, the more times she has babies the less chances of her becoming pregnant the next time and it might be harder for the vets to de sex her being pregnant many times can effect the where the babie is.