

Best Answer

Analyte Screen Cutoff Confirmation Cutoff







300 pg/mg

300 pg/mg

500 pg/mg

300 pg/mg


1 pg/mg

300 pg/mg

300 pg/mg

500 pg/mg

300 pg/mg

5 pg/mg

0.1 pg/mg

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Q: What are the levels for Hair drug test?
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Related questions

Is hair Drug Test the same as hair follicle?

No, a hair drug test and a hair follicle test are not the same. A hair drug test analyzes several centimeters of hair for drug use patterns, while a hair follicle test involves analyzing the actual follicle for drug metabolites, providing a longer detection window.

How long does the drug katamine remain in your system to get away from a hair drug test?

A hair test will show every drug you have used for the length of your hair.

Does suntrust test your hair for drug test?


Will using lice shampoo help to pass hair drug test?

No, using lice shampoo will not help you pass a hair drug test. The chemicals in lice shampoo are not designed to mask or eliminate drug metabolites in the hair. The best way to pass a hair drug test is to abstain from drug use.

How can you pass a hair follicle drug test for alcohol?

alcohol does not show up on a hair follicle drug test. :)

How do they do a hair drug test?

take a sample of your hair

Does urine drug test kits provode the amount of drug in systemand or how long you have been using?

it only shows if your positive or not there are levels of the drug that must be met for you to test positive on a test if you dont have certine levels of the drug in your system the you will not test positive

What are the cut off levels for disa hair follicle drug screen?

Don't know the cut-off levels, but I took a DISA hair test and failed for marijuana after 120 days clean. I am currently disputing results.

What are the cut-off levels for disa hair follicle drug screen?

Don't know the cut-off levels, but I took a DISA hair test and failed for marijuana after 120 days clean. I am currently disputing results.

Does Michelin in Lexington South Carolina hair drug test or urine?

Hair Test

Does brookshire drug test hair?

Yes and most of the time its a hair follicle test

What hair drug test remedies work?

dye your hair