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they may become lazy and hungry lol

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Q: What danger are their to dogs from marijuana smoke around them?
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Can dogs go blind from eating marijuana?

Yes it is true that scientific studies have shown that dogs who eat or inhale second hand smoke from marijuana will go blind

Can feeding dogs marijuana stems kill them?

No, it is a healthy high because your pet is not inhaling the smoke of the weed.

If someone blows marijuana smoke in a dogs face will it hurt the dog?

Marijuana smoke will not kill your dog. The active ingredient, THC, is not fatal unless it is in extremely high quantities, much more than second or even first hand marijuana smoke (and I suspect your dog doesn't smoke pot) In fact, it is virtually impossible to fatally overdose on THC, which is why there are little to no marijuana overdose deaths every year, and why many feel that marijuana is safer than alcohol.

Can dogs get sick when they eat marijuana?

Uh... yah. Maybe you shouldn't leave that stuff lying around O.o

Do dogs smoke?

NO dogs do not smoke. they might inhale some if their owners smokes though.

Can dogs get high on marijuana?

Yes they do

Are dogs in danger?


What do prairie dogs do to warn danger?

they make a certain whistling/screaming sound to warn other prairie dogs of danger.

Is ciggerate smoke bad for dogs?

Yes.Cigarette smoke, in fact any sort of smoke, is bad for people, dogs, cats or anything else.

Can dogs use marijuana pills?

yes they can.

Do dogs smoke crack?


How do DOGS protect themselves from danger?

Dogs protect themselves from danger in a couple of ways. One way to is to curl up and become submissive, and small. Another way is with their barking and growling. They do this to scare away danger.