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In electronics, the patch cord connects one stand alone piece of equipment to another. For instance, your printer has a patch cord to connect to your computer. Since the type of connection is generic, many electronic instruments do not have a special cord but a general one which may be purchased anywhere.

Just like an extension cord, the patch cord is not specific to any one instrument.

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How does patch cable or patch cord work?

A patch cable or patch cord connects one electronic devise to another. By using a patch cable, or patch cord, works by inserting one end into one device, and the other end into another. The wires in the cord will connect the two devices.

Has a wireless patch cord been invented yet?

Yes the wireless patch for audio guitars and such have been invented for over 30 years

Where can one purchase a fiber optic patch cord?

There are quite a bit of places that you can purchase a fiber optic patch cord from. Best Buy, Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Target, Belkin's official website, and Computer Cable Store for starters.

What are guitar patches?

Guitar Patches or Patch Cords are simply just the cord going from the guitar to the amp.

What is the active component that a patch cord is plugged into when it is attached to a network connected device such as a desktop computer?

The answer could be a switch or a router

Core of fiber optic cable?

Fiber Optic Patch Cord is used to interconnect Transmission equipment to the Fiber optic patch panel. we got 2 kind of fiber optic patch core according to the mode: single mode patch core (SM) and multi-mode patch core(MM). and several kind according to the connector: sc, fc, st, lc patch core etc.

Which CAT5 cord can travel over distances of 300 feet?

You can use the Belkin Patch cable - RJ-45 - M - 300 ft.

What is the meaning of a 'blood patch'?

I presume you mean an epidural blood patch. If so: An epidural blood patch is a surgical procedure which uses a person's own (replanted) blood to close any holes in the dura mater (tough outer layer) of the spinal cord. It can be used to relieve headaches caused by a spinal tap.

What happened to all the bantan-tinytelephone plugs?

They're widely used for temporary interconnect on digital T1 DSX cross-connect patch-panels. Try searching for "bantam plug", "bantam jack", "bantam patch-cord", "T1 interconnect", etc.

How is the sound played on an electric guitar?

When you pluck a string, the guitar pickup creates a signal by capturing the change in magnetic field. This signal is transmitted to the amplifier via a patch cord.

Easiest way to set up wireless router?

The wireless router should have a plug for a power cord, a WAN port, and a switch. The power cord should be plugged into a known good outlet. The WAN port will usually be connected to the modem using straight-through patch cable.

Where do you get a ethernet cord from?

Online Do a search for "cat5e ethernet patch cable" Brick and Mortar store Most any electronics's store Best Buy Radio Shack Frey's Etc...