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Rebellion, depression, experimentation or peer pressure

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Q: What encourage teenagers to take drugs?
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How many teenagers take drugs?

60 percent

Is it normal for teenagers to take drugs?

talk to ur children abt drugs and sex b4 its 2 late... i was _____________________________________________________________________ it would be hard for them to get onto any major drugs they might sniff glue but i dont think that most teenagers would take or even get drugs.

Are there poster liners of the words- say NO to drugs?

I don't believe so. Don't take my advise on that.... But I encourage you to take my advise, NOT to use drugs.

What is the percent of teenagers that like to experiment on drugs?

In 2009 there are 27% of teenagers expirimented with drugs.

What do teenagers think of drugs?

well there is no use telling a teenager not to take drugs because their gonna take it anyways. all teenagers are curoius its just whether they take it again and again and addicted then its a problem otherwise their teenagers what do you except let them be free and sort out their own problems

What percentage of teenagers take drugs in Britain?

According to a 2020 survey, about 22% of teenagers aged 16-19 in Britain reported using drugs in the last year.

How can teenagers get involved in riots?


Where would you encourage a family to turn if they were concerned about their teenagers depression and potential suicide?

If I was to encourage a family I would tell them to go therapy or talking to their teenagers about their depression and letting them know they are there for them

What are some teenagers' excuses for teenagers to use gateway drugs?

I was already high.

What is the percentage of teenagers preasured into doing drugs?

The average percentage of teenagers who have tried, done and are still doing illegal drugs is 72.7%. More than 35% of the teenagers I have asked at my school have said they have tried, done, and are still doing illegal drugs.

What are the 2 most common drugs used by teenagers in the UK?

Marijuana,Prescription drugs >.

What is encourage like?

encourage is like encouraging someone not to do something bad like drugs.