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Lortab is Hydrocodone. Oxycodone is a bit stronger. 1 and a half times more strong is an average. The 2 meds are both partially synthetic opioids but they work a bit differently in the brain to provide pain relief They will show up differently in a urine test as well if the proper test that differentiates is used.

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14y ago
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14y ago

The hydrocodone 10/325 is has twice as much hydrocodone as the 5/325 tablet. Hydrocodone is usually paired with acetaminophen or tylenol in tablets and on a prescription label it may say hydrocodone APAP, that is just shorthand for hydrocodone and tylenol. In the two tablets the amount of tylenol is the same, it is just the hydrocodone that is different amounts.

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15y ago

Roxicodone is a Canadian brand name for the Generic drug Oxycodone, a DEA Schedule 2 Controlled Substance (Opiod Analgesic), commonly prescribed for short term/acute pain. However, the 10/325 is not normally associated with that drug. 10/325 is typical for Percocet or Oxycodone/Acetaminophen combination tablets - the 10 is the amount of Oxycodone in the drug, while the 325 is the amount of Tylenol (Acetaminophen) in the drug. Roxicodone only comes in 5mg, 15mg or 30mg tablets, and there is no combination drug with Tylenol. The only 10mg dose it comes in is either as a suppository, or a timed-release capsule.

Hydrocodone is the Generic name for Vicodin and other brand names using Hydrocodone as the Generic base. Unlike Oxycodone, it is not as strong, and has different requirements - it is only a DEA Schedule 3 narcotic. Unlike a Schedule 2 drug, which you cannot get refilled (you need new prescriptions for each fill, and they can't be called in), with Sched 3 drugs they can have refills.

Hydrocodone, however, isn't typically paired with Tylenol at the 10/325 combination. 10mg doses are usually paired with 400mg or more, though new dosages come out all the time. Typically, 10/325 indicates OXYcodone/Acetaminophen, not HYDROcodone/Acetaminophen. Do not confuse the two - Oxycodone is much stronger than Hydrocodone. I've used both (still do) at the strongest dosages, and I tell you from personal experience that Hydrocodone in 10mg isn't even close to 10mg of Oxycodone. Check the pills again and be positive of what you have - it is possible for a Pharmacy to make a mistake.

I checked both my own Nurse's Drug Handbook (2009) and online, and couldn't find the doses for the specific drugs you've noted. I know the dosages because I've used them (Percocet anyway) for over 8 years, every day, several daily.

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