Probably the oldest question in the book. kids,teens are tricky. and it really does depend a lot on the person everyone's different. Confront them CALMLY and simply talk about it(DO NOT MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT YOU WANTING THEM TO STOP even though that is what your thinking) just talk about it you know why? when? who? what? what ever you want to know. BUt Tred carefully and make sure you think each thing over hundreds of times in your head before you say it. and slowly after talking about it again mention your worried about there health, you wnat them not to do it again.e.t.c and the rest is up to the kid I'm afraid. There response varies WIDELY. It's highly likely they wont say a complete ok i wont do it anymore or NO! LEave me alone i hate you. If it get's really bad you can confront them about going to talk to someone and if they refuse and things get very serious call someone or force them to go. Over time if Things get TERRIBLE even moving on to stronger drugs, drinking you know it's time to start thinking,Rehab. It is very likely they wont want to go. But they have no say. Even if they HATE you. you have to be strong for the both of you and remember it's for there own good. When there older and leading clean happy lives they will thankyou.
pretty radical dude. smoking pot all day yea g
Yes, I would tell a teen's mother that he's smoking pot, because she can get him help. No. Definatly not. Tell someone who is close to them though, that you are quite sure will tell the mother. Although make sure you lay down some simple hints that you don't want the teen to find out that it was you who nagged.
they would simpily go to jail.
about 6 months probation and $300 fine if you get caught... happy smoking pot head
Most likely not, unless you are a pre-teen. Your doctor will advise you against it, of course, for the sake of your health.
No. She was caught smoking out of a bong probably posh or something but she isnt that big of a train wreck
I would imagine getting caught doing anything that Disney feels is not "wholesome". I have a friend who' parents were banned for life because they were caught smoking pot in the EPCOT parking lot.
as soon as we started smoking pot as soon as we started smoking pot