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Hemp has been cultivated by many civilizations over the course of 12,000 years. Archaeologically dated to the Neolithic Age (inChina), the classical Greek historian Herodotus reported (around 480 B.C.E. or so) that the Scythians inhaled vapors of the smoke for pleasurable recreation.

Textile usage did not seem to emerge until the Iron Age.

Palestinian Jews in the 2nd Century cultivated Cannabis sativa, as referenced in the (Kil'ayim 2:5) Mishna.

Hemp was used in soups, pies, and tortes by the late Middle Ages in Italy and Germany, but was later primarily used for its fibers, such as the ropes on Christopher Columbus's ships, and even the U.S.S. Constitution (A.K.A. "Old Ironsides").

So: in May of 1607, "hempe" was reportedly being cultivated by the natives at the main Powhatanvillage, where Richmond, Virginia is now lies. As early as 1619, an Act was passed by the Virginia House of Burgesses that required all Virginia planters to sow English and Indian hemp on their plantations.

In New England, the Puritans are the first known hemp cultivators; circa 1645 CE.

The U.S. became a stand-alone nation in 1776. So the question mightread: When did the U.S come to the marijuana?

See the related Wikipedia links listed below for more information:

All the founding fathers cultivated hemp, and probably so did the rest of the country.

Hemp production was replaced by slave owners with cotton plantations.

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11y ago
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13y ago

well the Apache Indians often called it 'togigemite" which means to come and fly. they had many peace pipe cerimonies and grew it near the corn. then they decided they could trade this magical herb they called ayami to the nearby tribes. they became highly wealthy and pretty much ruled most of the southwestern states by the late 1700s

Yes. But even before that. Hemp (Male marijuana plant used to create things like paper) was used to make paper before trees! Hemp has been seen in ancient cultures as far back as 10,000 BC. Marijuana at first didn't contain high amounts of THC because it didn't have "Ideal" conditions to grow. So the first form of marijuana to get you "High" was Hashish which is grinded Marijuana to get only the Tri-combs which contain much more THC. Persians used to trade Hashish all the time and Persian leaders usually had a high want for it. This was being done from about 1500 BC when the original Persian people lived in modern day Iran.

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13y ago

Marijuana has been used for centurys.

A mummie shamon has been found with plenty of marijuan

It has been used for nearly everything from paper to rope to sails, for medicien

It use was as wide spread as tabaco up intill the 1930 when the government started a misinformation/propoganda campain using the "scientific" research of a scientist that would later lose his license over his lies.

To show its effect his choked mokey for 60 days with several times more smoke then any stoner could smoke in their entire lifes.

He would later apologize for his government sponserd actions but was ignored.

So its been used for as long as people have learned its uses

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13y ago

Weed is a plant it grew from the ground

if god didn't like it,

it wouldn't be around.

So here's to the mofo's who don't

smoke marijuana

pick up a joint and get fucN high.

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16y ago

When all other plants appeared, the dawn of time.

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16y ago

i really would not know but probably very long ago because ancestors of families thousands of years ago would use this sacred herb...:-)in other words ...smoke weed everyday

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14y ago

Marijuana dates all the way back to the 800s BC in India for medicinal purposes and has migrated throughout China and other countries ever since.

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