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The first pill is taken on the first day of your period.

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Usually after day 28. But break through bleeding is normal in the first 3 months.

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Q: Where in you cycle do you begin taking birth control pills?
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Is it possible to have a cycle before taking the green birth control pills?

You need to consult a Doctor about this.

Can only taking half a birth control pill affect the menstrual cycle?

It's unlikely.

Does taking Yaz birth control effect your menstrual cycle?

Yes it does it regulates it an it is supposed to reduce PMS.

Is it normal to get your period twice a month when you first start taking birth control?

Yes birth control changes your cycle causing your body to have to adjust to the birth control after a few weeks it should become a normal schedule.

If you are taking the pill as a form of birth control is it necessary to track your ovulation?

Hello, No you don't need to track your Ovulation cycle hun as birth control works by stopping you from Ovulating.

Is it normal to start your period in the first two weeks of taking birth control?

Yes. When you start taking birth control pills, your menstrual cycle will usually change. It will become lighter and less irregular. But when you start the pill, your menstrual cycle has to get use to the changes, and will start your cycle early because it will now be different because of the birth control pills. Your periods might be irregular the first couple of times after starting the pill

I have one more pill left on my birth control cycle and i received your period what do i do?

Keep taking your pills as directed.

Can stopping birth control cause irregular periods?

Yes it is possible to experience an irregular menstral cycle when you discontinue taking birth control. This is because when you take birth control it actually regulates your period. By stopping birth control you may experience breakthrough bleeding. Breakthrough bleeding is when you menstruate at times when you normally would not begin your menstral cycle. Breakthrough bleeding can possibly last for up to a full period or longer. Stopping birth control may also stop your period for a month or longer or you may not receive your period around the normal time of which you used to when you were taking your birth control.It depends sometimes you're period gets normal after birth control but sometimes it may still keep being irregular. It depends on the person and or pills

If you get of track with your birth control pills and begin taking them on the wrong days for 2 weeks...will this cause your mestrual cycle date to change?

When you do this you open yourself up for pregnancy if you have sex at this time and it will change the menstrual cycle, but if you have missed one I would suggest a pregnancy test.

Will you still get a period after sex if you are taking birth control?

If your on birth control you don't actually get a period its actually withdrawal bleeding which looks the same as a period. Sex wont effect this cycle.

How can you get pregnant while talkin birth control?

By not taking it properly (skipping days, being inconsistent with the time of day you take it, not taking it for a full cycle).

If you stop taking birth control after only two days of using it does it change your cycle and your ovulaton days?

Yes it can, but not for long. Birth control pills have hormones in them. Also after quitting birth control pills/patches you have a higher risk of getting pregnant!