Usually because they are depressed, and the medication is made to take it away. Others take it for recreational purposes, because it can make you feel happy.
due to synergism
good drugs :] hehe!
Depresents are what you get under detree. A Depressant is a chemical agent that diminishes the function or activity of a specific part of the body. The term is used in particular with regard to the central nervous system (CNS).
MAOI inhibitors (anti-depresents) will almost instantly end an LSD experience. Any hospital or emergency room has access to these. This is usually dicouraged, the best treatment would be to have a friend, who is not tripping, but has experience with the drug, present during the trip in order to help remind the tripper of what is dangerous or safe.
can you take anti-diarrheal loperamide
ANTI-people means their not people
The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in response to Anti-Federalist fears that the new government would take away the liberties of the people and the states.
Firing people who refused to take an oath to be anti-communist.
The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in response to Anti-Federalist fears that the new government would take away the liberties of the people and the states.
He appointed an anti-imperialist as Secretary of State.
Anti-Draft movement disguised as an anti-war movement. People didn't care about the war (most people didn't even know where Vietnam was anyway); they just didn't want to be forced to go there (by being drafted into the US Army or US Marine Corps).
Anti-semitism Anti-semitism