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Q: Would it be dangerous to donate plasma while on percocet?
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Does plasma donation affect your methadone dose?

I want to donate plasma and was wondering whether it would affect my methadone. I am on a methadone maintenance program.

Is it harmful to the body to donate plasma twice per week on a regular basis?

AnswerI don't believe a reputable plasma donation center would even allow you to donate twice a week. No, it's not good for you to do so. You need your blood before anyone else.^I don't know where you got your information from. Plasma centers such as Advanced Bio-Systems offer incentives for donors who donate eight times in the same month. It's plasma, not blood. Your body easily replaces it if you are keeping hydrated properly.

Is it safe to take percocet with Bayer PM?

WARNING! If you have sleep apnea this would be a dangerous combo! Otherwise, moderate doses of each, yes. Example 10/325 Percocet + one Bayer PM = deep sleep.

What would happen if you were to donate plasma while using cocaine?

Not sure but I am about to find it, I'm wondering the same thing..I just need a quick 20

While taking spironolactone for hair growth can one donate plasma?

I just went to donate plasma for the first time today and I am taking spironolactone. The doctor told me that spironolactone is a diuretic and thins your blood and so in conjunction with the blood thinners they use in the donation process, it is not safe to donate. So I will not be allowed to donate until 48 hours after I have stopped taking spironolactone.

Does having herpes prevent you from donating plasma?

Currently having chicken pox (herpes virus) would prevent you from donating plasma (since you would be 'unwell'). Having had chicken pox in the past will not prevent you donating plasma or blood. Currently having shingles ( a reactiviation of the chicken pox virus) would prevent you from donating plasma/blood (again, you would be considered 'unwell'). However having a cold-sore (again, herpes virus), or minor herpes on a small patch of skin should not prevent you from being able to donate plasma/blood.

Would be safe to breathe plasma made of oxygen Why or why not?

No, it would not be safe to breathe oxygen plasma. Oxygen plasma is a highly reactive state of oxygen that is used in various industrial processes, but inhaling it would likely cause serious harm to the respiratory system and potentially result in tissue damage or cell death. It is important to remember that plasma is not the same as a gas and can be extremely dangerous if not handled properly.

How many glasses of water should you drink before going to donate plasma?

O because it would kill you with the water inside of Tu so u wid explode from inside out

Can someone who had a splenectomy donate plasma?

no,you would not be able to give blood after having a spleenectomy,besides the surgery you are already compromised without the spleen and don't need to decrease your white cells,used to fight infection even though they they will increase again,don't take the risk.

How much can you get for plasma in Colorado?

Most plasma centers offer between $20-$40 dollars per donation depending on the center preference. Plasma centers pay for you to donate plasma because it is a longer process than donating blood. With whole blood (which is what places like the Red Cross collect), it takes about fifteen minutes to donate. This is time people are willing to sacrifice to donate. Plasma takes about forty-five minutes to an hour because you have to separate the red blood cells and plasma in a centrifuge. Since it takes so long, plasma centers offer a cash reimbursment for your time. Also, if you are vaccinated for anthrax, hepatitis, or other diseases that have vaccinations, you can be paid much more because you have those antibodies. This is called immunization programs. Not all centers have it, but if you are vaccinated for anything like that I would recommend calling around and finding a center that offers these programs. They usually pay around one hundred, but it varies, once again, depending on the center.

Can you take Percocet if you are allergic to Tylenol?

No i wouldn't recommend it. i would assume that someone with sever liver problems should not take percocet either.

How would you put donate in a sentence?

We wanted to donate some things to the Goodwill.