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Every sovereign state

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Q: A political and military system based on the holding of land?
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A political and military system based on the holding of land with an emphasis on local protection government and local self-sufficiency?


A feudal system based on holding what for military service?


What is a fedual systyem?

feu·dal·ismn.1. A political and economic system of Europe from the 9th to about the 15th century, based on the holding of all land in fief or fee and the resulting relation of lord to vassal and characterized by homage, legal and military service of tenants, and forfeiture.2. A political, economic, or social order resembling this medieval system.Source:

Why did the Nazis do what Hitler told them?

In Nazi Germany, the whole political system was based on a military-type, top-down command structure. It was also very convenient to obey.

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The Republicans feed the military and Arm the military and Train the military and Fund the military far greater than the democrats do so why would the military be stacked against republicans?

The political alignment of the military is not solely determined by which party provides more funding or support. The military is a diverse institution with members holding a range of political views. Individuals in the military may align with a particular party based on a variety of factors beyond funding, such as social issues, foreign policy, or personal values.

He instituted the spartan military education system?

Lycurgus of Sparta is credited with creating the Spartan system of education. The system was based on three pillars, military fitness, and austerity.

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A political and economic system based on fiefs and vassal loyalty was called?


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What did Greece's mountainous terrain and series of small islands influence the ancient Greeks to develop?

a political system based on independent city-states