Right now, it is a estimate of five-million non-Jewish civilians that were killed in the Holocaust. People are searching for further evidence to determine a better estimate of how many was really killed, but the real number will never be known.
Goy or Gentile are words that can be used to mean non-Jew. In the Holocaust, in Germany in WWII, all non-Jews would become called 'Aryans' (whether they fitted the description of an ideal Aryan or not)
Apart from the Jews, there were two other classes of people who were executed on mass. The disabled and the Gypsies. Most of the murders of the disabled occurred before the start of the war, and did not happen in the death camps themselves, but were in facilities on which the death camps would later be modeled. The exact numbers of Gypsies murdered is hard to know as they were not all registered as living in one place or another, and were rounded up from across the Nazi territories, but the figure is in the hundreds of thousands.
No, he killed more. Hitler killed 6 million Jews in the Holocaust. The Holocaust actually claimed 11 million lives (6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews).
it has been estimated that Nazi forces killed 60 million people
Right now, it is a estimate of five-million non-Jewish civilians that were killed in the Holocaust. People are searching for further evidence to determine a better estimate of how many was really killed, but the real number will never be known.
People that were killed during the Holocaust in addition to the millions of Jews were the Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, and people with disabilities. Also killed were Gypsies, Poles, Soviet POWs, and slaves in Eastern Europe.
Goy or Gentile are words that can be used to mean non-Jew. In the Holocaust, in Germany in WWII, all non-Jews would become called 'Aryans' (whether they fitted the description of an ideal Aryan or not)
Apart from the Jews, there were two other classes of people who were executed on mass. The disabled and the Gypsies. Most of the murders of the disabled occurred before the start of the war, and did not happen in the death camps themselves, but were in facilities on which the death camps would later be modeled. The exact numbers of Gypsies murdered is hard to know as they were not all registered as living in one place or another, and were rounded up from across the Nazi territories, but the figure is in the hundreds of thousands.
The Holocaust is, in most ppl's opinion, one of the saddest moments in Jewish history. The Holocaust was when Hitler hated the Jews and decided to basiclly get rid off them. Millions of Jews were kept in concentration camps with little food and water. Millions were not just killed, but tortured to death. Some were wrapped naked in a Torah and burned alive. Some were forced to take showers with deadly gas. Most children were separated from there parents and killed as young as the age of 1 or 2. Some non-Jews risked their lives for some Jews by hidding them in their houses. If they were found, they would be killed (both the non-Jew and the Jew). I could go on and on with more details from the Holocaust but it's just all so sad . . . . . . .i think im gonna cry. Ok, maybe 1 last thing about it: Very few survived the Holocaust, and those who did . . . . . . . . . many went crazy and commited suicide. Ok, now im crying . . . . . .
It has been estimated that at least 6 Million Non Jews were killed during the Holocaust, this includes 3 Million Soviet POW and 1.9 Million Non Jewish Poles.
No, he killed more. Hitler killed 6 million Jews in the Holocaust. The Holocaust actually claimed 11 million lives (6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews).
it has been estimated that Nazi forces killed 60 million people
During the Holocaust, there were many restrictions that were placed on the Jews. They lost their citizenships and lost their professions. They were forced to retire at times and mixed marriages between jews and non-jews was not allowed. No Jewish children were allowed to attend school. Every male Jew was named Israel and every female Jew was named Sarah.
It was horrific. Many hundreds of thousands of non-combatant men, women and children, were shot immediately by the Nazis' Einsatzgruppen. Throughout much of Europe, others were herded into ghettos and systematically transported, by force, to concentration camps, where they were killed upon arrival. Those who were not killed were put to forced hard labor with food-rations insufficient for survival; and most died within months, through starvation and other causes. The total death toll of European Jews in the Holocaust (1939-1945) was six million.
The actual number of deaths is not known. There were an estimated 6 million European Jews. There were most likely about the same number of non-Jewish deaths, these fell into many groups Russian POW's, Polish, disable, freemasons, gays, and even Jehovah's Witnesses.