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No, China has several hundred nuclear bombs and has had bombs since 1964.

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Q: Are nuclear bombs illegal in China?
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Why should the Nuclear Bombs be illegal?

they mostly not

Are nuclear bombs legal?

Nuclear bombs are illegal since bombs could potentially be harmful to others and places, so no it is not legal.

Which country has the least nuclear bombs?


Why does China use uranium?

China use uranium as nuclear fuel or for atomic bombs.

Where are the most nuclear bombs made?


Is it illegal to make nuclear bombs?

No, it is perfectly legal as long as it is used on your own property.

Why did China make nuclear weapons?

They had originally had an agreement with the USSR that the USSR would provide them with atomic bombs. However when the USSR failed to do that, China decided they had to make the bombs themselves.

Is it illegal to prepare nuclear bombs?

It is illegal for private individuals to prepare bombs of any type. But countries can do what they want to. Ownership of highly enriched Uranium, Uranium-233, or Plutonium by private individuals is illegal in the US and probably several other countries. Without one or the other no nuclear bomb can be built.

Is a bomb nuclear?

Some bombs are nuclear. But most bombs are not nuclear.

Are nuclear bombs illegal?

No, only certain ways of testing them and only if a country agrees to the terms of that treaty.

How did ernest Rutherford make the nuclear bomb?

I'm 99% sure that it's illegal to disclose the process for making nuclear bombs exactly. You're on your own.

Is there nuclear energy in nuclear bombs?

Yes, there is nuclear energy in nuclear bombs. It is released in a few microseconds when they are detonated.