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Yes, research the Morrill Tariff.

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Q: Are tariffs one of the major conflicts that lead to the civil war?
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What was one of the main conflicts that lead to the civil war?

the main conflict is the taxes.

What major political events lead to lincolns death?

The Civil War.

How can political conflicts civil wars lead to famine?

it doesnt and i have no clue im doing my home work and this is the worst question ever

Americans who oppose protective tariffs believe that?

Tariffs may lead to ill will among countries

What is the definition of civil conflict?

Civil conflict refers to a violent conflict within a country between different groups or factions, where the government and its citizens are usually involved. It can involve political, social, or economic issues that lead to armed confrontations and violence.

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It was the first major battle on the civil war. The Fort Sumter lead to the civil war.

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Civil liberties are about seeking a balance because leaning too heavily in either direction will lead to major societal and humanitarian problems. Too few civil liberties lead to oppression, while too many civil liberties may lead to a complete break down of the rule of law.

Why do protecting tariffs lead to reduced international trade?

Protective tariffs increase the price of goods and limit the sale of those goods.

Did the Plebians and Patricians have a war?

No the conflicts between patricians and plebeians did not lead to civil wars. The Conflict of the Orders between patricians and plebeians ended in the mid-3rd century BC. The Roman civil wars stared in the 1st century BC. The civil wars involved a conflict between the populares, a political faction which supported the cause of the poor, and the optimates, a conservative political faction which supported the interests of the aristocracy. They also involved personal rivalries.

Why did reducing tariffs lead to an increase in trade?

Free trade leads to lower prices and greater sales.

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it may lead to conflicts and disunity it may also lead to poverty

What issues lead to Civil War in 1861?

the lead of the civil war was slavery