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You won't normally lose XP in RuneScape, under any circumstances. The only exceptions I am aware of is: (1) A rollback, when there is some problem. (2) As a punishment for some SERIOUS rulebreaking.

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Q: Can you lose xp on pvp world?
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When did Stalin lose power and when did it come ti an end?

He didn't lose power over the Soviet Union until he died. He ruled ruthlessly until his death on March 5, 1953. i think, idk tho XP:

To who did Hitler lose the war?

Russsia in world 2 because they gave up but they knew they were going to lose the war in world war2

In which year did France host and lose the world cup?

1938 FIFA World Cup

Who did France lose to in the world cup 2010?

south Africa

What land did the us lose in World War 1?

The US didn't lose any land at all in WWI, as it was fought in Europe.

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Can you lose your skillcape in runescape if you die in a pvp world?

I am not sure, but there is a button, under the option "Worn Equipment", where you can see which items you would lose, and which you would keep, in case you die. You can go to a safe place in a PVP world (e.g., Lumbridge Castle), and check it out there.

If I die in pvp world on runescape will I lose all my bank items?

While on RuneScape PVP worlds, if you die, you only lose the items you are carrying, not those in your bank, never in RuneScape will a death directly affect your banked items.

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In order to gain Constitution Xp you must inflict damage on an NPC or in PvP and you will get 10% of the damage as constitution Xp.

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All PVP type servers in WoW have lots of PVP going on, including Daggerspine.

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In AL you can do pvp everywhere in the chantra world,when you are abouve lvl 20. Only in Towns there's no pvp,but in big citys are pvp arena's.

If you have all your items i your bank in runscape when in pvp will i lose my items?

no you will not lose your items because their in a safe place

How do you do the trick that gets you a 26k or more drop in pvp on runescape?

You risk more items yourself, the more you risk the more you get. You get good drops if you are risking 25k or more on a pvp world. This means that you would lose it if you died, and it is not protected by the protect item prayer. There is a great guide on how to own in Pvp worlds here:

If you die in PVP on Runescape do you lose armor?

Yes, of couse(except the safe zones) You lose all your items. You should not take very expensive stuff into PVP. Or into the Wilderness, for that matter, but in PVP you get "skulled" and keep zero items instead of three (or - I believe - one item instead of four, with the appropriate prayer).

What monster drops rune claws?

nothing does. although it is possible in a member pvp world to drop them. i would just buy them. pvp can get boring and if you lag in a fight and can't eat you may lose your stuff like i did. lost full dragon plate and full helm.

How can you get exp points in Halo 3 online?

You get XP by winning matches in matchmaking. If you lose the match, then you lose XP. Simple.

How do you get unskulled on RuneScape?

Leave pvp worlds and go to a normal world, then in around 20-30 Minutes you should lose your skull (Try not to die within that time).

Where can one find World of Warcraft Pvp strategy tips?

There are many places where one can find World of Warcraft PVP strategy tips. One of the best places where one can find World of Warcraft PVP tips at places like GameFAQs.