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you can but it is ilegle

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Q: Can you take someones cellphone by force?
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Can an adult of any kind take your cellphone?

No adults what so ever can take or force you to give your cellphone to them!

How do you take someones power away?

There are a number of ways that you can take someone else's power away. You can take away their privileges or force them to do what you'd like slavery.

What is the force that will cause a cellphone to start?

It is electromagnetic force (voltage) that powers up a cellular phone and allows it to do what it does.

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2 newtons of force

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they could easily take a chunk out of someones leg. they don't usually bite, unless they are provoked.

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Force someone to do something

Can the law take your cellphone?

Yes, there might be evidence in it.

You can sit on it but can't take it with you?

Someones lap.

How do you take a jet in vice city?

Cheat In Your Cellphone. Or Search The Number In The Internet And Then Type The Number In The Cellphone And Then Thats It. You Have A JET!

What do you do when you accidentally come in to a room when your aunt is naked?

take your cellphone out and take pictures

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