They would have been unaffected, the boycotts were only for gentiles.
The Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler, boycotted the Jews business out of jealously. The Jews, historically good businessmen, were prospering in Germany greater than other businessmen. The National Socialists, out of jealousy, began to boycott the Jews and spread lies in order to steal the business back. Negative! The above quote is a total lie. In 1933, The World Jewish Congress, led by S Untermeyer, started this 'war' by initiating a worldwide boycott on German goods to protest Adolph Hitler' s democratic election to the chancellory position. (London Times, another Jewish controlled paper had an article "Judea Declares Declares War on Germany" in '33) Hitler challenged Jewish banking and economic power in Germany by passing various laws and resolutions unfavorable to jewry, especially contol of the money supply. He cut out the international finance, contolled by Jews, on German trade which propelled a bankrupt Germany with 25% unemployment in '33 to full employment/surplus and economic success in '39. Angered by laws targeting against Jews in finance and culture in Germany in those years, a young Jew named Greespahn murdered a popular German diplomat in Paris (2nd Jew on German officials' assasination), i believe in 38. Naturally the German people, angered by these Jewish assisnations on state officials started the kristallnacht. There is some evidence that the Grynspan assasination was paid by Zionists with prior German govt approval, Google' out IHR and search
No. Not all Germans are Jews and not all Jews are German. But there are German Jews, as well as Jews with many other nationalities.
The two main goals of the boycott in the Holocaust were to economically isolate and undermine Jewish businesses and to encourage anti-Semitic sentiment among the German population. The boycott aimed to stigmatize and marginalize the Jewish community, ultimately leading to their persecution and eventual genocide.
He created laws in such a way that Jews struggled to live, and work and earn a living. He made the: protection of the Reich- which allowed the opposition to be shot and beaten with out fear of punishment. laws that Jews had to identify themselves with the star of david, he made boycott laws of Jewish business' and shops. He burnt books that were un-German.
They boycott of jews where jewish shops were destroyed and jews was arrested
they got on with there lives and died
They would have been unaffected, the boycotts were only for gentiles.
The Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler, boycotted the Jews business out of jealously. The Jews, historically good businessmen, were prospering in Germany greater than other businessmen. The National Socialists, out of jealousy, began to boycott the Jews and spread lies in order to steal the business back. Negative! The above quote is a total lie. In 1933, The World Jewish Congress, led by S Untermeyer, started this 'war' by initiating a worldwide boycott on German goods to protest Adolph Hitler' s democratic election to the chancellory position. (London Times, another Jewish controlled paper had an article "Judea Declares Declares War on Germany" in '33) Hitler challenged Jewish banking and economic power in Germany by passing various laws and resolutions unfavorable to jewry, especially contol of the money supply. He cut out the international finance, contolled by Jews, on German trade which propelled a bankrupt Germany with 25% unemployment in '33 to full employment/surplus and economic success in '39. Angered by laws targeting against Jews in finance and culture in Germany in those years, a young Jew named Greespahn murdered a popular German diplomat in Paris (2nd Jew on German officials' assasination), i believe in 38. Naturally the German people, angered by these Jewish assisnations on state officials started the kristallnacht. There is some evidence that the Grynspan assasination was paid by Zionists with prior German govt approval, Google' out IHR and search
No. Not all Germans are Jews and not all Jews are German. But there are German Jews, as well as Jews with many other nationalities.
Because that is what the Germans did to the Jews during the holocaust.
People who were not Jews were treated differently than the Jews in Nazi Germany. Some of the Jews were German citizens but they were treated as Jews.
The two main goals of the boycott in the Holocaust were to economically isolate and undermine Jewish businesses and to encourage anti-Semitic sentiment among the German population. The boycott aimed to stigmatize and marginalize the Jewish community, ultimately leading to their persecution and eventual genocide.
They had to hate jews even if they liked them (it was their job)
They had to hate jews even if they liked them (it was their job)
They had to hate jews even if they liked them (it was their job)