Probably; Egypt was constantly at war with SOMEBODY. And as Pharoh, he would have been expected to lead the armies.
In fact, recent evidence indicates that he may have died as the result of a chariot accident or crash; his mummy is missing a kneecap, and there are indications of a partially-healed fracture of the leg.
There are no records of King Tutankhamun executing anyone or going to war.
No there was not in till 2 years later
people who can't spell.
King Tutankhamun's real name as a child was Tutankhaten but then when he got older he changed his name to Tutankhamun
There are no records of King Tutankhamun executing anyone or going to war.
No there was not in till 2 years later
Tutankhamun was one. Ramses was another. Amenhotep was yet another.
No, for they feel like it!
people who can't spell.
To scare other People into doing his biding.
You could but people are afraid of the unknown curse of King Tutankhamun
his mom his dad his sister and his bother
stupid people
King Tutankhamun's real name as a child was Tutankhaten but then when he got older he changed his name to Tutankhamun
King Tuts full name was Tutankhamun.