Poor ancient Egyptians drank beer.
No. Ancient Egyptians never got to Australia.
The ancient Egyptians far suppassed the intelligence of the 21st century Egyptians.
The descendants of the Ancient Egyptians are mostly the Coptic Egyptians, as the rest of the Egyptians are Arabs who came from what is now called Saudi Arabia. Since Ancient Egyptians were neither Arabs nor did they speak Arabic, most modern Egyptians have no connection to the Ancient Egyptians since they're Arabs.
According to the Greek historian Herodotus ancient Egyptians used abacus.
The ancient Egyptians were based in egypt.
most Ancient Egyptians were peasant farmers
The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids for pharaohs in the afterlife.
ancient Egyptians used lyre
Poor ancient Egyptians drank beer.
No. Ancient Egyptians never got to Australia.
the ancient egyptians wrapped cats
The ancient Egyptians far suppassed the intelligence of the 21st century Egyptians.
Ancient Egyptians were first to create beer.
the ancient egyptians were polytheistic. they believed in many gods.
Ancient Egyptians imported olive oil from Crete.