The Cold War. Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
Vietnam was part of the cold war.
Part of the cold war.
No the Cold War was the reason why the Vietnam War happened.
The communist superpowers supported the north with war material. The US supported the south with men & material. Reason: Cold War.
Vietnam was a hot battle of the cold war.
Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
The Cold War; Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
The Cold War. Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
Vietnam was PART of the cold war; the cold war lasted from '45 to '90.
The Vietnam War was part of the cold war.
Vietnam was part of the cold war.
Part of the cold war.
Cold War.
The Vietnam War was part of the cold war. The cold war was between governments (Nations/Countries).
Hawks believed Vietnam was a crucial front in the Cold War