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Q: Did the poor in ancient Greece get married at all?
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Did Ancient Poor Greece farmers have wells?

yes they did because all Greeks had wells at their houses

How are Greece myths different from ancient Greece?

The truth is that there is no difference. The only thing that makes you think that there is a difference is the name. The Greek myths are all from the ancient times, hence "Ancient Greece"

What was the climate region of Ancient Greece?

All of Greece has a Mediterranean Climate.

Where can you find ancient Greece pictures?

Go to and type in pictures of ancient Greece and then they will have all sorts of different selections to chose from.

How did pantomime all start?

Greece ancient Greece

What was the military like in ancient Greece What was ancient Greek law Ancient Greek defence?

In Athens, they had a strong navy because they were on the water. In Sparta, they had the strongest military in all of ancient Greece.

Where was Dionysus worshiped?

All over ancient Greece.

Did the Ancient Greeks all live in Greece?

no they dont

How did direct democracy work in ancient Greece?

In ancient Greece Greeks were able to vote in an assembly or by a law making group.In ancient Greece Democracy meant all citizens shared power in some ancient Greek city-states

How do you know how the ancient Greeks live?

There are many writings from ancient Greece. There were many artifacts and images from the time. All of these give us insights into life in ancient Greece.

Who were allowed to be athleat in ancient greece?

All free male Greek citizens were allowed to participate in athletic events in ancient Greece, no matter what their social status was. Women were excluded from becoming athletes, but single women could watch athletic events, while married women were forbidden.

When the olympic games started did war happen in ancient Greece?

All wars were paused during the olympic games in ancient Greece.