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No they do not. You get a different perspective on thing.

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Q: Do things mean less as you grow older?
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Why do people grow and die?

Well, it depends on what you mean, like they can die of old age, when you die of old age it's because your system starts to shut down, and there aren't anymore blood cells to help you, because when you're younger your blood cells reproduce and grow and grow and grow ! But as you age older, your blood cells start to die can't produce.

What does moti ben mean in gujarati?

Older sister

What does man is the measure of all things mean to the Greeks?

what does man is the measure of all things mean to the Greeks?

What does the phrase life in London mean?

It means that living things can only be born from living things

What is the difference between the main events and idea?

main events mean the main things or big things that happen in a story, and ideas mean what you think of.

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How big do hastas get?

if you mean "hosta" as a plant the older they are the bigger they grow.

What does it mean when a guy says you're like me but you're older?

you have things incommon but you are more mature or you have things in common but you are literally OLDER than him

What does 'gray with age' mean?

You're hair starts to turn gray as you grow older.

Are all moms mean?

Yes, especially yours. But when you grow older, you'll understand.

What does paushaly mean?

paushaly means,things that grow in December

Is it bad for a 12 year old girl to look like she is 16?

Its not bad if she just happens to look like a 16 year old because we all grow differently but if you are trying to look that old then that's not good because you are trying to grow up too fast and you will only attract older guys who want to do OLDER things if you know what i mean.

What does it mean to dwindle?

"Dwindle" means for something to gradually grow less or smaller

How do you make your horse grow faster on Howrse?

I don't think you can make your horse grow faster. Do you mean make it older? You can take care of it, put it to bed, and then under that it says "Age my horse" click that and it will be two months older.

What happen when a puppy eats shoes?

Your pupply needs something else to chew on. Get as many different things as you can; hard and soft. The more things you get the less chance of losing your shoes and having to see them later in your dog's poo. As the dog gets older this will mean it is upset with you.

Will the words you say affect plant growth?

Yes they do matter. If you sa ygood nad kind things to your plant it will grow quicker. If you say mean things it will grow slower.

What is a homograph for grown?

A homograph for "grown" is "grown," which can mean both past participle of "grow" and a much older age.

What does being a blond mean?

it really doesn't mean anything it's just the different pigments in your hair.So when people grow older the pigments can die and tun your hair grey.