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Yes, some Roman aqueducts are still in use today. The city of Rome itself uses the Roman aqueducts and there are working aqueducts in Britain. There are likely other places as well.

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Q: Does any roman aqueduct work today?
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Do maps exist of the ancient roman aqueduct system?

Exist? No, not at present. but you can rest assured that the practical Romans had maps of their aqueduct systems as this would have been necessary in case of repairs or any changes. As you know, the majority of Roman aqueducts were underground and this very fact would make mapping them essential.

Did Alexander the Great give anything to any causes?

If you mean charity, I highly doubt it since there weren't many charity organizations in the ancient world. However, he did conquer much of the ancient world, united it, and turned it into the Roman Empire- whose principles, doctrines, and philosophies we still practice today. As well, the Roman's technology really paved the way for today's technology and some we still use today; like the aqueduct.

How do you use aqueduct in a sentence?

Aqueduct is a noun, so you use it as any other noun. For example, "Help! The aquecuct sprung a leak!" or "The man rested in the shade of the aqueduct.".

Who is Caligula for roman empire?

Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.

Why where aqueducts designed?

In Roman times, pumping water wasn't as easy as it is today, so they relied on gravity to bring the water in. That meant they had to find a source that was higher than where they wanted the water delivered to, and then that they had to build the aqueduct at a steady slope all the way from the source to its destination. Just a small addition to your question: all Roman aqueducts were NOT raised 50 feet or any other amount of feet off the ground. It is estimated that 80% of the aqueducts were underground. Of the 260 miles in the system, only 30 miles were arched above the ground.

Related questions

What is the main purpose of roman aqueducts?

The main purpose of Roman aqueducts, or any other aqueduct for that matter, is to transport water.The main purpose of Roman aqueducts, or any other aqueduct for that matter, is to transport water.The main purpose of Roman aqueducts, or any other aqueduct for that matter, is to transport water.The main purpose of Roman aqueducts, or any other aqueduct for that matter, is to transport water.The main purpose of Roman aqueducts, or any other aqueduct for that matter, is to transport water.The main purpose of Roman aqueducts, or any other aqueduct for that matter, is to transport water.The main purpose of Roman aqueducts, or any other aqueduct for that matter, is to transport water.The main purpose of Roman aqueducts, or any other aqueduct for that matter, is to transport water.The main purpose of Roman aqueducts, or any other aqueduct for that matter, is to transport water.

Use aqueduct in a sentence?

Since aqueduct is a noun meaning water pipe, you would use it as any other noun. Such as: "The aqueduct is clogged and the water only trickles through." or "The Roman aqueduct is still in use for irrigation".

Do maps exist of the ancient roman aqueduct system?

Exist? No, not at present. but you can rest assured that the practical Romans had maps of their aqueduct systems as this would have been necessary in case of repairs or any changes. As you know, the majority of Roman aqueducts were underground and this very fact would make mapping them essential.

Did Alexander the Great give anything to any causes?

If you mean charity, I highly doubt it since there weren't many charity organizations in the ancient world. However, he did conquer much of the ancient world, united it, and turned it into the Roman Empire- whose principles, doctrines, and philosophies we still practice today. As well, the Roman's technology really paved the way for today's technology and some we still use today; like the aqueduct.

How do you use aqueduct in a sentence?

Aqueduct is a noun, so you use it as any other noun. For example, "Help! The aquecuct sprung a leak!" or "The man rested in the shade of the aqueduct.".

Why were ancient Rome bridges made?

Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.

Is there any evidence today of buildings that were used for entertainment during roman times?


How did ancient roman impact your world today?

There were many things that the Romans gave us. They gave us Architecture, they gave us sports, they gave us warfare. One of the most important thing they gave us is the Aqueduct, without that invention, there would be no Las Vegas, no Los Angeles, there would be nothing in the desert nor would there be any towns in the middle of nowhere.

Was crime more of a problem today or in the roman era?

Crime is more of a problem today because in roman times it was punishable by death so less people commited any crimes,where as today people dont realy care if they commit a crime because they know they will get away with it.

Did aqueducts get more professional since ancient roman times?

Parts of them have become updated since Roman times although the concept is the same. An aqueduct is simply a pipe or tube that carries water. We have pipes that carry our water. Our pumping and filtration systems have been updated since Roman days, and various valves are used to control the water flow today. So in that sense you could say that they have become more professional. However, since the Roman aqueducts or parts of them are still being used in various places, you cold also say that they did not need any modernization; they continue to do their job just fine, just as the Romans intended.


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yes blud