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The Hellenistic period is part of the Ancient world, not to the Middle Ages.

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Q: Hellenistic period belongs to middle age?
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When did the Hellenistic age take place?

The Hellenistic Age began at the end of the Classical Period 323 BCE. It was marked by the death of Alexander the Great.

Who taught Alexander the Great the philosophy of the Hellenistic Age including stoicism?

The Hellenistic Age is a period after the death of Alexander the Great.

What do we call the 200 year period that began with the death of Alexander?

The Hellenistic Period begins with the death of Alexander.

When was the Hellenistic age?

the time period following the death of Alexader the great

Greek culture was most dominant during which period?

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How was the purpose served by architecture and sculpture in the Hellenistic period similar to the purpose served by these arts in the Golden Age of Athens?

The purpose served by architecture and sculpture in the Hellenistic period similar to the purpose served by these arts in the Golden Age of Athens because both in the Hellenistic period and the Golden Age of Athens were people experiencing architecture and sculpture where the Hellenistic period Golden Age of Athens. This should teach you to actually look it up yourself.

The Hellenistic era describes an age that saw?

The Hellenistic period is distinguished by the major influence of Greek cultural in Europe, Africa, and Asia. It is considered hedonistic when compared to the Classical Greek period.

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The period following Alexander the Great's death is known as what?

The period following Alexander the Great's death is known as the Hellenistic Age. This age lasted for about three centuries.

Did the Hellenistic age proceed the Dark ages?

The Hellenistic Age was a period after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. It lasted about 200 or 300 years, depending on how you define it. The Dark Ages are usually regarded as lasting from 476 AD to 1000 AD or thereabouts. This would make them centuries after the Hellenistic Age. There were a number of Dark Ages, however, and one of them, called the Greek Dark Age, was from about 1200 to 800 BC, which would put it several centuries before the Hellenistic Age.

What is the difference between the golden age and the Hellenistic age?

The Hellenistic age was a terrible time and the golden age was a great time of wealth and riches

Describe two accomplishments made during the Hellenistic age?

'The Hellenic World' is a term which refers to that period of ancient Greek history.