

Best Answer

rare black pearl of 8 mm nucleus

22 mm nucleus-sized white pearl

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Q: How big is the biggest black pearl ever found?
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Continue Learning about General History

Is Pearl Harbor one of the biggest wars ever?

The attack on Pearl Harbor was opening of the war between the US and Japan, it was a battle, not a war.

Are the pyramids at Giza the biggest pyramids ever?

They are the biggest in Egypt

Is the royal Caribbean the biggest ship ever?

yes, the Allure of the Seas is the biggest in the world

Was the us ever attacked?

Yes. to name one : PEARL HARBOR

Was the US Navy ever attacked?

yes. There was an attack on Pearl Harbor.

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What is the biggest black pearl in the world?

The Largest pearl ever found is named "Pearl of Allah" or "Pearl of Lao-Tzu". This was found by Filipino diver in a giant Tridacna in the Palawan Sea in 1934. The Pearl weighs 40 pounds and worth approximately $ 40 USA.

What is the biggest piranha ever found?

Very big and Very scary

What is the biggest diamond ring ever made?

The biggest diamond ring ever made is called The Spirit of de Grisogono. It weighs 312.24 carats, or 62.45 g. It is also a black diamond and is the largest black diamond ever found.

How many carets was the largest pearl ever found?

the largest pearl ever found was 31893.5 carats

What is the biggest black bear ever found?

886 pounds and 8 ft tall. in South Carolina

When was the largest black hole found?

As of March 2008, the biggest black hole ever found is 10 billion times the size of our sun, and is located over 300 million light years away.

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The biggest T-rex ever found is 65 feet long and 35 feet tall found in montana

Is Pearl Harbor one of the biggest wars ever?

The attack on Pearl Harbor was opening of the war between the US and Japan, it was a battle, not a war.

How big is the biggest asiatic black bear ever?

The biggest asiatic black bear living in china weighed 720 pounds.

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Are black bears the biggest bear of them all?

no,grizzly bears are the biggest of them all. it is the largest bear ever recorded in the world.

What is the biggest diamond ever found called?

The biggest diamond ever found is called the Cullinan diamond. It weighed about 3,106 carats in its rough form and was discovered in South Africa in 1905.