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Macbeth turned evil by listening to the raging ambitionwithin his own personality, letting himself be manipulatedby the three witches, and allowing himself to be influencedby his wife's equally raging ambition. It was due to the evil within himself and his wife, as well as evil personified in the three witches that Macbeth killed his own king, two guards who just tried to do their job of protecting the king, his best friend Banquo, and Macduff's defenseless family. Additionally, that evil led him to bring pain and suffering on a mass scale to the entire Scottish nation.

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Q: How did Macbeth turn evil?
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How did the swashtika turn in to a symbol of evil?

Because it has been used by the Nazis as their symbol it has been turned into a symbol of evil, since the Nazis were evil.

What were the similarities and differences between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth?

The difference is that Lady Macbeth at first wanted Macbeth to kill Banquo and Macbeth was too scared to do it. Later on in the tragedy, Lady Macbeth gets haunted and gets mentally ill and Macbeth keeps on killing people.

What is the name of Macbeth's wife?

Grouch It should be Gruoch.... She was Lady Gruoch of Scotland before she married Macbeth. Throughout the play she is usually referred to as Lady Macbeth.

What were the three witches' second predictions?

The second predictions of the three witches dealt with threats against Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057]. The first predictions of Act 1 Scene 3 dealt with Macbeth's seeming destiny. The witches predicted that Macbeth would be promoted to Thane of Cawdor and then to King of Scotland. Their intention was to lure him down the evil road that uncontrolled, raging, greedy ambition would lead him. In Act 4 Scene 1, the witches intended to keep Macbeth on his evil course by a false sense of security about his reign. They led him to believe that he only needed to beware of Macduff. They also made him think that his kingship was bulletproof to men born of women. They specified that his downfall only would happen with the movement of Birnam Wood to Dunsinane Castle. But they gave him no explanations. They didn't link any of the predictions together. The information was given to him in an eerily supernatural setting deep within a cavern. So it was difficult for Macbeth to think of concrete, practical explanations for such incredulous events.

What was Lady Macbeth's relationship with Macbeth?

After MacBeth receives the predictions from the witches he writes a letter to Lady MacBeth detailing the whole situation. He calls her his "dearest partner of greatness" and is very trusting of her. He is also subject to much influence from her since she is the one who later convinces MacBeth to kill the king, Duncan, when he is resolute on not doing anything of the sort.

Related questions

Where does Macbeth visit to retreat from his evil?

Macbeth cannot get away from his evil; it is a part of him.

What is the significance of Lady Macbeth and the witches in Macbeth?

same evil ideas

How and why does Macbeth change from war hero into a evil murderer?

Macbeth changes from a war hero in to a evil murderer because all he wants to do is claim power of the throne Macbeth changes from a war hero in to a evil murderer because all he wants to do is claim power of the throne

In the book Macbeth by William shakespeare how are Macbeth actions different from lady Macbeth actions?

Macbeth does the things he does(like kill Duncan) because Macbeth is manipulated and coaxed by Lady Macbeth to do them. On his own, he would not have done so even though he was ambitious. Lady Macbeth, does the manipulating and all the cruel lines that she says are of her own accord. Nobody forces her, she choses to become evil while Macbeth is forced to become evil.

Who is evil in the Macbeth?

Well the main character himself ends up being the most evil character of them all. Actually in the begining he is a 'good' man but then he meets 3 weird sisters who tell him that he will be king (and thane of cawdor). He himself says that if destiny wants it then he will be king, but he doesnt wanna kill the king to get the title. But his wife pushes him to kill the king. So in a way you could say shes being evil. ..

Did the many body parts scattered throughout the play Macbeth symbolize Macbeth's inner evil or something else?

I suspect that you are correct.

During each act of the tragedy of Macbeth Macbeth seems to grow more and more evil in act i Macbeth listens to the witches' prophecies and begins to think about committing great evil in act?

Act I Scene III is when Macbeth first meets the witches. HOWEVER this could be different for different copies of the play as they are all different.

Who said not in the legions of horrid hell can come a devil more damned in evil to top Macbeth?

This line is spoken by Macduff in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth. He is referring to Macbeth as a devil more evil than any in hell.

What does macbeth's internal conflict suggest about the relationship between obsessive ambition and evil?

This question assumes that a driving force behind Macbeth's actions was "obsessive ambition". In fact, his character is shown to be anything but obsessively ambitious. When not under the influence of his wife, his thoughts turn towards such ideas as "if fate would have me king, why then fate must crown me", and "I have won golden opinions of all sorts of people which would be worn in their newest gloss, not cast away so soon." It is Lady Macbeth who is obsessed with the possibility of Macbeth becoming king. Macbeth only starts to become evil after he has attained the highest office which his ambition could aspire to, which means that he only became evil after he lost all of his ambition.

What does Act III about the murder of Banquo in Macbeth suggest about the effects of evil on evildoers?

The murder of Banquo in Act III of Macbeth suggests that committing evil acts can have severe psychological consequences on the evildoers. Macbeth's guilt and paranoia over Banquo's murder lead to a descent into madness and an inability to find peace. This highlights the destructive nature of evil actions on the individuals who commit them.

Who does lady macbeth pray to to become evil?

Spirits that tend on mortal thoughts.

What does Macbeth tell the ghost to come back as?

they make the evil spirit angry