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Q: How did most immigrants enter the United States?
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What happened to many European immigrants who came to the United States during the Great Depression?

Most immigrants who came to the United States became normal participants in the society and economy of the United States.

Where did immigrants come from in the 1800s?

In the 1800's, most immigrants came from Europe to the United States.

How did Germans of immigrants travel to the United states?

Most German immigrants to the United States arrived in the United State in large ships that arrived in ports of immigration like New York's Ellis Island.

Where did the immigrate come from?

Most immigrants to the United States came from Europe and Britain.

Does the US receive the most immigrants each year?

Yes, the United States receives the highest number of immigrants each year.

Where did most immigrants comr from in 1850?

Most of the immigrants in the United States in 1850 came from Ireland and Germany. They were escaping famine and political pressures in their home nations.

Most southern Italian immigrants to the US had been in their home country?

Most southern Italian immigrants to the United States had been farmers in their home country.

From the 1850s to 1950's most immigrants entering the US arrived at?

Ellis Island was the point where immigrants arrived to be processed into the United States.

Where did most immigrant come from in the 1800?

Most of the immigrants in the late 1800's came from Germany, Ireland and England.

The make-up of immigrants after 1965 changed primarily to what nationalities?

After 1965, the general makeup of immigrants into the United States changed. Before 1965, most immigrants were European in origin. After 1965, most immigrants were from Latin American, primarily Mexico.

What three nations had immigrants to the United States US after the Civil War?

Before, during and after the US Civil War immigrants from many places in the world found themselves in the United States. Among the most prevalent were immigrants from China, Ireland and Germany.

Most of the immigrants coming to the US in the mid 1800s were English Irish and?

Most of the immigrants coming to the United States in the mid 1800s were English, Irish, and _______.IMPROVED ANSWER:The answer is German.