

Best Answer

Any constellation is a group of stars that appear to form some kind of pattern,

but have no connection with each other. They all happen to be in roughly the

same direction from us, but they're all at different distances. So there's no

such thing as a constellation's distance from us.

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Q: How far is cassiopeia from the earth?
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How far is cassiopeia?

Cassiopeia is a constellation located in the northern sky. It is approximately 230 light-years away from Earth.

How far is the constellation cassiopeia from earth?

Any constellation is a group of stars that appear to form some kind of pattern, but have no connection with each other. They all happen to be in roughly the same direction from us, but they're all at different distances. So there's no such thing as a constellation's distance from us.

What is Cassiopeia's scientific name?

Cassiopeia's scientific name is Cassiopeia A. It is the remnant of a supernova explosion located in the constellation Cassiopeia, and it is a strong source of radio waves.

What is the color cassiopeia?

cassiopeia is blue and white

What are the 5 stars in the Cassiopeia constellation called?

There are more than five stars in Cassiopeia but the major ones are as follows from the left of the 'W' / 'M': Caph, Beta Cassiopeia Shedar, Alpha Cassiopeia Cih, Gamma Cassiopeia Ruchbah, Delta Cassiopeia Sagin, Epsilon Cassiopeia

What is Cassiopeia an example of?

It is a good example of a constellation - a group of stars forming a recogniseable shape when viewed from Earth.

Is cassiopeia part of another constellation?

no cassiopeia is its own constellation

What was the god or gods of Cassiopeia?

Sam was and is all of the gods of Cassiopeia

Is cassiopeia greek or roman?

Cassiopeia is a character in Greek Mythology.

What type of star cassiopeia?

Cassiopeia is a constellation not a single star.

When was Ethmia cassiopeia created?

Ethmia cassiopeia was created in 1927.

When was Moscow-Cassiopeia created?

Moscow-Cassiopeia was created in 1973.