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I think it was 165,890

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Q: How many people died in veterans day war?
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Why do you sealbrate Veterans Day?

No it was when people died

How was Veterans Day named?

Veterans are the people that were able to withstand war either if they died or not. So Veterans Day was named in honor of them.

Is veterans day celebrating the people who died or who is alive?

Both. Memorial Day honors those who died during military service; Veterans Day celebrates the service of all military veterans.

Why did they establish Veterans Day?

Veterans Day is a day set aside to honor All veterans. The honor is the way they honored and even some died do to war. We honor them not just to get a day off from work or school, it is for the people that cared about their country.

Why was Veterans Day started?

Veterans day was started to honor the veterans that have served and are still alive.

How many US veterans have died?

The 30 September 2007 Veterans Administration estimate places the daily deaths of WWII US veterans at 1,000 per day. These Veterans are now in or about to reach their 80's. How many Vietnam vets are dying each day?

What do people eat on Veterans Day?

Veterans. Obviously.

Why do veterans have to work on Veterans Day?

Yes. Medical people, firefighters, police, people who work on live TV, people who work at cinemas and restaurants that are open on Veterans' Day work. Many people work on Veterans' Day. These same people work on Thanksgiving, Christmas, January 1st, Memorial Day, and July 4th.

How many veterans branches is recognized on Veterans Day?

360 veterans are reconzed on veterans.

Does the whole world have a day when each commemorates the people who died in World War 2?

No, but they have veterans day and memorial day to honor all the troops.

Who was remembered on remembrance day?

the people involved on remembrance day are the people who died in the war

What food do people eat on Veterans Day?

There is no common food that people eat on Veterans Day. However, picnics are common and sometimes families join in celebrating veterans.