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the people of the Gupta empire melted down iron and cooled it

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Q: How metalwork of India during the Gupta Empire was done?
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The Gupta Empire was an empire located in Ancient India. It was founded by Maharaja Sri Gupta. One invention originating with the Gupta Empire includes Chaturanga, a precursor to chess. The process of creating crystallized sugar using sugarcane was also "invented" during the Imperial Guptas.

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The Gupta Empire ended when Chandra Gupta II died and waves of invaders moved into India and broken the Gupta Empire into several smaller kingdoms.

What advance was made during the Gupta period in India?

It was the period of control of the Gupta Empire which lasted from about the year 280 - 550.

Where is the Gupta Empire?

Most of northern and central India and Bangladesh.