According to the Constitution, to run for senator you must be at least 30 years old, live in the state you plan to represent, and have been a U.S. citizen for at least nine years before being elected.
Representatives must be at least 25 years old, live in the state they represent, and have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years before being elected.
The smallest book in the Library of Congress is called Old King Cole. The book is so small that its pages can only be turned with a needle.
That depends on which congress you are talking about; state congress - then yes. If the US Congress, then no.
Second Continental Congress
congress of Japan
the continental congress was for the delegates of the thirteen colonies because they thought that they were the entire continent and the congress is only for america not the rest of the continent
You can run for congress at age twenty-five.
Thomas was 33 years old when he joined the Second Continental Congress.
over 200
At least 25 years old
over 200
No he wasn'.t he was 36 years old when he went to the continental congress.
Brain Miller who is running for Congress in Arizona is 32 years old.
Daniel Shays
Thomas Jefferson, he was 33 years old.