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This is a puzzling question. The international importance of French is in decline; the standard of foreign language teaching in most schools in England is poor and not that many Britons speak French well. I wonder whether somebody is pulling your leg.


Actually I think you may have heard it backwards... French USED to be Englands official language in medieval times, and was for 600 years.. But it was old French, which may bear more similarities to English than modern French.


Yes,but that was OLD French not modern so yeah it's pretty impossible for England to change its official language to French as England's official language is English

NatalieXD(oh yeah im ms sunni just to let u kno im NOT teacher this is my fantage account name!!)

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YES! I believe it was in 1066 when William of Normandy (France) defeated Kind Harold and the Anglo-Saxon army (England) because he claimed that the throne was promised to him.

The Normans changed the language from English to French, but only the upper class people actually spoke it. The Surfs, the poorer people of that time, still spoke english. This is why some of the fancy words in English have a French influence.

If you want some more random facts, the Normans brought a new system called Feudalism, which brought along the social ranking system of Kings, knights, lords, vassals (retired knights), and surfs (being the lowest rank.)

Not to mention that French used to be the official language of diplomacy, until it was changed to English within the last 100 years (I might have been 200).

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The historical background of the story The Last lesson by alphonse daudet touches on the franco-prussian war what can you infer about the aftermath of the war from the context of the story?

War by its very nature has a victor. The winning side does everything to subdue and control the defeated nation. War is not a game where the rules of sportsmanship apply. To control any nation the most fundamental area of its sovreignity, its people are attacked. The culture of a people is its strongest point and if that can be influenced the nation loses its identity which is its true freedom. Language is an important element and that is the one of the initial targets of the Prussians. They begin by changing the official language from French to German. Language brings with it the entire body of literature and thought. These influence the learner deeply in the formative stage and that is the purpose of the victors. Once a language assumes official status it becomes the language of the state. It becomes powerful and the regional language loses its status and stature in day to day work. The Prussians automatically become superior because they have the mastery over the official language and all the important work. War by its very nature has a victor. The winning side does everything to subdue and control the defeated nation. War is not a game where the rules of sportsmanship apply. To control any nation the most fundamental area of its sovreignity, its people are attacked. The culture of a people is its strongest point and if that can be influenced the nation loses its identity which is its true freedom. Language is an important element and that is the one of the initial targets of the Prussians. They begin by changing the official language from French to German. Language brings with it the entire body of literature and thought. These influence the learner deeply in the formative stage and that is the purpose of the victors. Once a language assumes official status it becomes the language of the state. It becomes powerful and the regional language loses its status and stature in day to day work. The Prussians automatically become superior because they have the mastery over the official language and all the important work.

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