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Q: If a nuclear bomb went off in Supermans ass would he die?
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What did herasheama look like after the nuclear bomb went off?

Hiroshima was nearly totally destroyed by the atom bomb.

Is Nagasaki a bomb target?

It was a target which got bombed with an atomic bomb on august 9 1945.

What would you do if a nuclear war breaks out?

Bend over, put your head between your knees, and kiss your you know what goodbye. Edit: (What I would do) Most likely move to Russia with most of my wealth and buy a house and live my life there because Russia is too big of a land to destroy and not to forget is the national with the most superiors in a nuclear war. Or I could build a bunker that can stand a Nuclear bomb like in Nuketown OR hide in a fridge like Indiana Jones (and the tomb raiders) did before the nuke went off!

What happened at the siege of kenilworth castle?

a bomb went off

Vietnam War - what is a loran bomb?

There was a radar type station that went by that name; possibly a bomb guided, or navigated to target with the assistance of such an installation.

Related questions

What would be the damage if a nuclear bomb went off?

That will depend on the size of the bomb, how far above ground it explodes, and how far away it is from you.

What did herasheama look like after the nuclear bomb went off?

Hiroshima was nearly totally destroyed by the atom bomb.

If a nuclear bomb went off in Iraq how long would you have to live?

If that was the only place and you were not there... well, the rest of your normal life span.

Would you want to survive a nuclear disaster?

No, I don't think I would. The radiation after the nuclear bomb went off would be extraordinary, and after living in it, it would be a painful way to die. I think I would rather be at ground zero if the nuke was to go off. No muss, no fuss, and a quick death.

Did the bombs at hiroshima hit the earth?

Nor the first and the second nuclear bomb went off at about 2000 feet.

What would happen if a thermonuclear bomb went off?

Your mom would explode.

What do you do when a nuclear bomb goes off?

A) Most die. B) Run to your airtight bomb shelter under ground that you can stay in for a decade. C) Hope the bomb went off on the other side of the world, and it's a small one.

When did people begin using nuclear fission?

The first use of nuclear fission, aside from research, was the atom bomb drop on Hiroshima, on August 6, 1945. The first use of nuclear fission for power on an electric grid was when the Obrinsk Nuclear Power Plant in the USSR went on-line on June 27, 1954.

Is Nagasaki a bomb target?

It was a target which got bombed with an atomic bomb on august 9 1945.

If a bomb went off in a room and no one was around to hear it would it make noise?


Did Franklin Delano Roosevelt assign Einstein to create the atomic bomb?

No he did not create the atomic bomb nor was he involved with the Manhattan Project. He did play a role though by sending a letter to convince president Roosevelt to start work on a nuclear weapon, and many of his theories went into the making of it. Einstein himself was a pacifist and regretted for the rest of his life that he had influenced the creation of nuclear weapons.

What does the atomic bomb have to do with Albert Einstein?

He played a role in its creation by sending a letter to convince president Roosevelt to start work on a nuclear weapon, and many of his theories went into the making of it. Einstein himself was a pacifist and regretted for the rest of his life that he had influenced the creation of nuclear weapons.