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Q: In On December 25 1979 Soviet troops invaded what country?
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Country invaded by Hitler in June of 1941?

Three million troops attacked the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. The Germans seized the Baltic States, Belarus, and the Ukraine. By December of 1941, the Germans were nearly successful in seizing Moscow but the Soviet Winter stopped the German troops.

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free soviet prisoners

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it had been.

What year did Poland is invaded by German and soviet troops?

They were invaded in 1939.

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Russian combat troops were found in Cuba. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.

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Estonia was not allowed to take sides. When Germany invaded Poland in 1939 the Estonian government were forced by the Soviet Union to have 25,000 Russian troops stationed in their country. In June 1940 the Soviets blockaded Estonia and invaded with 90,000 troops and the country was forced to surrender. Estonia was incorporated into the Soviet Union after sham elections and those who did not vote were condemned to death or deported to Siberia.

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Of course, no: parts of Romania were invaded by Soviet troops in June 1940 and by Hungarian troops in August 1940.