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People would go to the shops, there were no supermarkets, only individual shops, a grocer where you would get most pantry items, butcher, green grocer (fruit and veg), fishmonger, bakers and an ironmonger (hardware store). There were always long queues and so a housewife could spend most of her day joining one line or another to get what she needed. The shop would clip the ration book as you purchased what you were allowed.

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Q: In World War 2 where would people go to get their supplies during rationing?
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What is wartime rationing and why was it practiced in the US during World War 2?

Rationing was used to make needed supplies available for the troops during WW2

During world war 2 the federal government reacted to shortages of various goods by?

Rationing. People had to get ration books for supplies to prevent hoarding.

Why did us implement rationing during world war 2?

To make as many supplies as possible available to the military.

What are the difficulties people did people during in World War 2?

rationing, gas & food

How did some people bend the rules or cope with shortages during world war 2?

It was hard in WW2, with rationing and shortages of necessities, so mostly people had to make do and mend, re-use or just be out of supplies.

What are some example sentences using the word rationing?

Rationing was done during World War II.We are rationing the chocolate during our diet.

Why did the governer require rationing during the war?

The U.S. government instituted rationing during World War II because many necessary supplies became scarce when factories abandoned there normal products for military production. Food became scarce because much of it was needed to supply the troops.

How did World War 2 affect the US with supplies during that time?

Rationing of: Coffee, sugar, gas, oil, rubber (tires), silk stockings, and other items was imposed.

What was rationing in World War 2?

It was very hard for them to cope x

What is rationing and how was it used during World War 2 globally?

rationing is fapping and it was the same way we use it today

What word has limits on the amount of goods people could have as the meaning?

The word is rationing. It means allowing each person to have only a fixed amount of a particular commodity during a shortage. Rationing of gasoline occurred during the World War.

Use the word rationing in a sentence?

If it were possible you might run out of food, it would be wise to ration it.