What impressed people most about the Populist Party was the zeal with which they addressed the needed reforms of the day, almost like and evangelical fervor. Many of the ideas and goals of the Populists would become laws later on in American history. They called for the election of US senators by popular vote, rather than by state legislatures (17th Amendment). They demanded the universal use of the secret (Australian) ballot, to prevent employers from forcing workers to vote a certain way. They introduced the ideas of the initiative, referendum and recall which were added to many state constitutions. They called for the abolition of national banks and for the government ownership of railroads and the telegraph (socialistic ideas). They advocated a postal savings system so that ordinary people might avoid depositing their money in privately owned banks, and for a graduated income tax. They felt the wealthy should pay a higher percentage in taxes than the middle class or poor. They also called for an increase in the amount of money in circulation through the unlimited coinage of silver. The progressives were successful in part because they were able to rally the better part of a generation to their ideas about reform. While not all progressives supported all progressive reforms, the basic objectives of the movement included the following: Destruction of the monopolistic power of the major corporations and banks in America. More representative government at all political levels in local, state, and national government. An active government that would take the initiative in reform. The right of labor to organize and secure a decent salary and safe working conditions. More economic and political rights for women. Regulation of child labor. The direct election of United States Senators. A graduated income tax that would fall hardest on the wealthy and least on the poor. Enactment of the initiative, referendum, and recall. Reform of city government Nationalization of railroads and banks. Government owned and operated local utilities. Consumer protection laws to prevent the sale of unsafe food and drugs.
there is no answer well tralse
they wanted to help people who did not have jobs
Periodization training provides athletes with a varied and progressive routine by breaking down their long-term fitness goals into smaller, progressive training segments. It's the optimal way to train.
The four goals that various progressive reform movements struggled to achieve were protecting social welfare, promoting moral improvement, creating economic reform, and fostering efficiency.
there is no answer well tralse
The goals of the populist party were all focused around the interests of the people, especially the farmers.
The reform idea which was a common goal of the populist and the progressive was to regulate business, and to ensure that the government of the day worked better.
the original Constitution and the original declaration of Independence
they wanted to help people who did not have jobs
Repairing the damages caused by industrialization and urbanization by reverting to smaller government, less government involvement in business, and similar things.
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The four goals that various progressive reform movements struggled to achieve were protecting social welfare, promoting moral improvement, creating economic reform, and fostering efficiency.
The one goal of Americanization movement during the progressive era was that to make immigrants more loyal and moral citizens.
new freedom and regulating competition.
Populists were originally made up of Black and White Farmers in the mid-west and south who disliked the policies of the Democrats and Republicans. They adopted the name from the Kansas Populist Party which had elected members to Congress. So, some politicians were also populists. Their goals also attracted workers to their party. They were not, as some accused, socialists. Most were tenant farmers and landowners They favored reform in a peacefull, democratic way.